Four tips for environmentally friendly shopfitting

Shopfitting involves fitting out a retail space with the furniture, lighting, fixtures, and fittings that are needed for the business to run successfully. As we are all trying to reduce our carbon footprint, you may be wondering how to do this in an eco-friendly manner. Here are some tips for a green shopfitting experience.


Firstly, if your premises are having a refit rather than starting from scratch, see if any of the old furnishings can be reused or recycled. Items of furniture that are no longer needed could be passed on for use by others, or perhaps reupholstered and redecorated for use in the new shop layout. Other items, such as metal rails and baskets, can be sold for scrap, and old light fittings can often be recycled. Reducing waste in this way will make a big difference to the environmental impact of your refit.

Use green materials

Next, make sure that the materials you use for fitting out your shop are recycled or made from renewable resources. Wood can come from recycled timber or can be obtained from sustainable forests. Metal fixtures can also be made from recycled materials which use much less energy in their manufacture. These wood and metal features have the advantage that they are likely to be recyclable again at the end of their life. You can also use eco-friendly paint to decorate your new business premises - most paint companies have a line of environmentally friendly paints which are biodegradable after use and are not toxic to the environment.

Use low-energy lighting

Reducing the amount of energy used by your business premises will lower your carbon footprint, as well as your costs. Energy-efficient lighting is an important step in this direction. LED lights use a lot less power than traditional light bulbs, and should last a lot longer as well. They can be installed in a wide variety of fixtures and configurations to ensure that the lighting suits your premises. You can also look at maximising the amount of natural light that enters the building to reduce the amount that has to be generated by electricity.

Tell your shopfitter

Finally, if the environment is a priority for you, make sure your shopfitter is aware of this. They will then be able to recommend the right materials and will be able to make suggestions to make sure your business is as eco-friendly as possible. Find shopfitting services near you today. 

405 Words

About Me

Using Social Media To Grow Your Business When I started my business five years ago I had no idea how to utilise social media to benefit my business. I could see other business owners doing it, but I wasn't sure where to start, so I took a social media marketing course, read a number of books on the subject and joined an online business group. I started this blog to share the tips I picked up over the years for creating a successful social media strategy and growing your online presence and brand. I post about a variety of topics, such as how to reach the right demographic for your business and the importance of organic growth. I hope you find my posts useful.


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