Why you should choose custom calico bags over plastic to advertise your business

If you run a business, you are probably always looking for a way of getting your brand and logo out in the world. You may have looked into customising plastic bags so that your customers will display your logo while carrying their shopping. However, using calico bags for this purpose has many advantages over using plastic ones. Here are some reasons to use custom calico bags.


Firstly, calico bags will last a lot longer than plastic bags. They are made from ring-spun cotton and therefore have a much longer lifetime than plastic bags. They can be used over and over again, particularly if their owner takes care of them. Plastic bags by contrast are typically only used once and then thrown away. Every time a customer uses a calico bag with your logo on it, they are advertising your business. You, therefore, want them to use it as many times as possible, which means a calico bag is far more useful for your purposes than a plastic one.


A second reason is that calico bags are much stronger than plastic bags. Even heavy-duty plastic bags can only take so much weight before they tear. Customers will therefore tend to choose a stronger bag that will take the weight of their shopping or belongings without suffering damage. If they have the choice of a calico bag or a plastic bag, they are much more likely to use the stronger calico bag. You should therefore make sure that this is the bag that contains your advertising.

Environmentally friendly

Finally, you should bear in mind the environmental hazards of single-use plastic bags. Everyone is used to seeing them littering the roadsides and clogging up the rivers and seas. You may want to think twice about having your brand associated with this pollution. Instead, calico bags can be made from sustainable materials and reused many times. When they finally come to the end of their lifetimes, they can be composted and returned to nature rather than polluting it. This helps to fulfil your environmental obligations while spreading the message that you are an eco-friendly business.

Calico bags can be made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and can incorporate any design you like. For further information about custom calico bags, talk to a local supplier. They will answer any questions on how these bags can help to spread the message about your business.

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About Me

Using Social Media To Grow Your Business When I started my business five years ago I had no idea how to utilise social media to benefit my business. I could see other business owners doing it, but I wasn't sure where to start, so I took a social media marketing course, read a number of books on the subject and joined an online business group. I started this blog to share the tips I picked up over the years for creating a successful social media strategy and growing your online presence and brand. I post about a variety of topics, such as how to reach the right demographic for your business and the importance of organic growth. I hope you find my posts useful.


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