Is It Time To Visit Your Local Hydroponic Shop? How To Tell If Your Set-Up Is Working Well

There is certainly a learning curve to using hydroponics, and while it can be fun to always try and work everything out by yourself, eventually most people get tired of trial and error and simply want some expert advice. Most of the assistants at your local hydroponic shop will be more than happy to help you, but how do you even know if you need their help? Here are a few signs you should be on the lookout for in your hydroponic set-up that indicates you might need a little more equipment or friendly advice from someone who knows how to help. 

Plants Not Growing To The Size You Want

If your plants are not growing as fast or as big as you expected they would (or as you were told they would) then the answer could be a range of things but generally the first place experts will look at is your lighting set-up. Lighting is crucial in hydroponics, as it is in every situation when growing plants, and when using artificial light, you have to be very precise. Hydroponic shops offer a range of lights, and it is important you get one that has enough power and output to really stimulate your plants in the way they would get outdoors.

Erratic Growth

Another problem you will often see with newer hydroponic enthusiasts is the wild variation in the growth of their plants. Some will be perfectly fine and grow well, while right next to them the same plant might be dying a slow death. Again, numerous causes could be behind this but the best way to find out for sure is by using testing meters. If you don't have a nutrient monitor or something to check the pH level with, then you are virtually flying blind. This information is key to keeping an even amount of supplies to all your plants.

No Water Flow

If your pump breaks down, then your hydroponic system is not far away from completely dying. Pumps have to be kept in constant motion or the whole chain breaks down, which is why it is always best to spend more on the pump than most other components. Buying a pump that is too small for your amount of plants or the size of your system is a critical error that often ends in the death of your entire hydroponic system. Don't risk that when the solution is very simple and available at your nearest hydroponic shop. 

Visit a hydroponic shop for more information.

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About Me

Using Social Media To Grow Your Business When I started my business five years ago I had no idea how to utilise social media to benefit my business. I could see other business owners doing it, but I wasn't sure where to start, so I took a social media marketing course, read a number of books on the subject and joined an online business group. I started this blog to share the tips I picked up over the years for creating a successful social media strategy and growing your online presence and brand. I post about a variety of topics, such as how to reach the right demographic for your business and the importance of organic growth. I hope you find my posts useful.


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